Possible Benefits Of CBD For Insomnia

CBD For Insomnia
CBD For Insomnia Not getting enough sleep can deteriorate your mental and physical health. Poor sleeping habits are more likely to cause mental health issues like anxiety, depression, paranoia, psychosis, and mania. Additionally, lack of sleep can make the symptoms of existing conditions worse. Also, persistent and chronic sleeping disorders like insomnia can lead to a

Cannabidiol: How Much Is Too Much?

CBD Dosing Guide
CBD Dosing Guide Cannabidiol brands express dosages in milligrams. For instance, Epidiolex comes with 2.5 milligrams as its starting dose, which users should take twice daily. Following a week, users can choose 5 milligrams as their Epidiolex dose. Federal regulations make it easy to determine Epidiolex dosage. However, there is no established guidance on CBD concentration