A Brief Guide to Classification of CBD Extracts

Full-Spectrum CBD
Full-Spectrum CBD The most used component of the cannabis plant is cannabidiol (CBD) as it has many medical benefits. Unlike the other major component in cannabis tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol doesn’t create any euphoric effects. A lot of research is going on exploring the medical applications of CBD. According to different components present in CBD extract,

Why Is CBD Expensive?

CBD For Tooth Pain
CBD Expensive The CBD market is loaded with a rich variety of products. You often see sharp differences in the prices of two CBD products of the same type. Why is it so? What factors influence the price of a cannabidiol product? Let us find out in this article. Can You Trust The Quality Of Cheap

Will Trump’s Standing on Marijuana Prohibition Cost Him A Second Term? – LA Weekly

Read The Full Article on LA Weekly at: https://www.laweekly.com/how-marijuana-prohibition-may-cost-trump-a-second-term-will-bidens-prohibitionist-past-catch-up-with-him/ Every day there are news stories about marijuana legalization, the marijuana business, and financial analysis, medical marijuana/CBD studies, etc. However, there is almost no discussion of marijuana prohibition, which remains the policy of the U.S. government and the Trump administration. As CannaLawBlog.com reported, “During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump...

Living Senior LLC Launches New Platform, CBD Seniors, In An Effort To Promote CBD Usage & Awareness Among Seniors

LAS VEGAS, March 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Living Senior LLC is proud to announce their latest venture, CBDSeniors.com, a web platform that has been created in an effort to promote the usage of hemp-based products among the senior citizen community (those aged 50+). The founders of CBD Seniors have set out to educate seniors and their families...