What Is CO2 Extraction Of CBD?

CBD Applications
CBD Applications
CBD Extraction
CBD Extraction

CBD is an industry that has reported very big growth in a very short period. The industry is being described as similar to the ‘Wild West’ due to the lack of any strict regulations, and it will be beneficial for you to understand CBD and the various methods used in CBD extraction.

Manufacturers who are looking to cut corners will make use of chemical solvents like hexane and butane, which might end up in the final product, affecting the quality of the same. Therefore, you need to buy CBD products that are made using carbon dioxide extraction only. CO2 extraction will kill harmful bacteria and make sure that more cannabinoids and terpenes end up in the final CBD product.

Carbon Dioxide Extraction 

This method of extraction makes use of carbon dioxide in the pressurized form to extract the maximum cannabinoids from the hemp plant. This method of CBD extraction ensures products of very high quality. Many manufacturers make use of this extraction method, as it is a very versatile solvent. Even though there are many other methods, supercritical CO2 extraction is the most popular method.

In the method of supercritical CO2 extraction, carbon dioxide in the form of liquid is used. The liquid form of the gas is obtained by applying pressure and decreasing the temperature as low as -70° F. This supercritical CO2 is passed through a chamber that is filled with raw hemp materials. CO2 in the fluid form will capture the active compounds present in the plant material. This method of CBD extraction produces a thick substance that has a consistency similar to that of peanut butter because it extracts everything in the plant material including chlorophyll, waxes, and omega fatty acids. The extract obtained is then winterized to obtain the cannabinoids.


CO2 is considered a green solvent and offers a clean and healthy end product. When compared to other solvents like butane, CO2 extraction will not leave any harmful chemicals on the product. Moreover, CO2 is recyclable and safe, as the gas is inert, non-inflammable, and non-toxic. The manufacturers will be able to adjust the strength of solvation by changing the density of the liquid used.

Now that you know about the carbon dioxide method of CBD extraction, make sure to buy CBD products that are made using this extraction method, as these products will be of superior quality.