Legal Landscape On The Use Of Cannabidiol For Athletes

Cannabidiol For Athletes
Cannabidiol For Athletes

Hemp has over 140 cannabinoids, including cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol. Unlike THC, cannabidiol is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid. There is scientific evidence that cannabidiol has therapeutic value. So, what if an athlete consumes CBD?

Cannabidiol can play an integral part in the process of regulating homeostasis in the human body. It includes the process of regulating the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, endocrine system, reproductive system, and gastrointestinal tract. When you consume cannabidiol orally, it can interact with your liver as well as trigger various channels and kinases impacting psychological changes in you. There is a need for more research on CBD for sportspeople, but the therapeutic scope of CBD creates an interest among coaches, researchers, and sportspeople.

The Legal Landscape On Cannabidiol Use For Sportspeople

The World Anti-Doping Agency once took out cannabidiol from its list of prohibited substances. It is considered a significant move in the world of elite sports because there has been evidence that the number of sportspeople who use cannabidiol has gone up exponentially. However, the legality of cannabidiol use varies as per the laws that a state, city, or country implements. In the US, the utilization of cannabidiol for athletes varies according to state.

On the other hand, the UK’s law mandates the sale of only 1 milligram of cannabidiol.

Coaches and sportspeople should know the existing legislation around the utilization of cannabidiol in their state or city. Each state has its legislation, so existing knowledge on cannabidiol’s use for athletic performance should be considered.

Advantages Of Cannabidiol For Athletes

CBD For Pain

The initial outcomes of the research have demonstrated that cannabidiol is associated with pain treatment. As per many pieces of literature and anecdotes, cannabidiol is an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and analgesic compound with neuroprotective properties. Notwithstanding the absence of substantial scientific evidence, the cannabidiol may be effective in treating pain and related issues.

CBD For Stress And Anxiety

Anxiety and stress-related to competitions are associated with the bad physical performance of a sportsperson. There are signs of poor sleep patterns and reduced appetite. Stress and anxiety can negatively affect one’s athletic performance.

Existing research shows that there are equivocal results to using 300 to 600 milligrams of cannabidiol daily, especially when one faces stressors. That said, there is a need for more research associated with cannabidiol’s therapeutic value for athletes with stress and anxiety during stressful circumstances.