Factors Governing CBD Content In The Body

Pure CBD
Pure CBD
Pure CBD
Pure CBD

CBD is a compound derived from the cannabis sativa plant. CBD is claimed to have many therapeutic benefits that can be put to use in the treatment of various illnesses and the symptoms associated with those conditions. The effectiveness and influence of CBD depends largely on the method of administration of the compound and the dosage as well as frequency of usage. Let us take a look at these factors in detail.

Methods Of CBD Administration

Smoking or inhaling pure CBD is a convenient and popular method of administering CBD. Smoking helps the compound get absorbed easily into the bloodstream. However, this method also has the disadvantage of CBD being expelled from the body faster when compared to other methods of administration. Those who want an instantaneous effect from their CBD product can choose to inhale the compound and get a quick result. People who want the compound to stay in the system for more time may be disappointed with the speed at which inhaled CBD leaves our bodies.

CBD oil is a product that can be administered orally. This method of administration requires the compound to be absorbed through the gastrointestinal system of the body, making it a slower process when compared to the absorption of CBD through inhalation. CBD oil can stay in the body longer. Typically, CBD administered orally can remain in the body for 3 to 5 days or up to 85 hours.

Frequency Of CBD Administration

The frequency at which CBD is taken also determines the duration the compound remains in the system. Fat soluble compounds such as CBD can accumulate in the body’s fat tissue as a result of chronic use. This accumulated CBD can later be released into the bloodstream, to be eliminated from the body. This essentially means that chronic users may have a longer duration of CBD presence in their body when compared to one-time users of the compound. The same concept is applicable to CBD taken in through inhalation or orally. The higher the dosage and the more the frequency of usage, the longer the compound will remain in the body and be detected.

CBD may have many benefits to offer both long term and short-term users. The impact of the compound can be controlled by regulating the dosage of CBD product, the frequency of usage and the way CBD is introduced to the body.